Sunday, April 20, 2008

Irregular Jusco Enjoyment

I went to Jusco today with two of my Sec sch friends with the reason of going to KARA OKAY... Why? Because i need to relieve my stress because of SOME thing happening on Friday. Haiz. I was even "suei"er then stepping on a dog shit.

Anyways, we went there at 11 to go sing FOR ONLY TWO HOURS. Redbox is really very lawya... Not like K-Box where u get to sing for 5 hours until u don't know what to sing at the lest part of it. The food here also don't taste really nice today. Ok, i did achieve what i was wanting to achieve after that two hours.

Then, we went on doing some other things we didn't ever do every time we meet. The first one is this. This isn't even my own car. It was displayed in Jusco today...We just wanted to try this for fun.

Then, we even took photos of these few things:

We even do the one with people hanging with only their heads showing to the public.

OK. Some of you people might found it stupid. But, well, it is...

Anyways, we just find it fun, OK? We haven't been this crazy for long, and we just wanna do that...

We even tried some shirt without buying it. It must be very paiseh... But we can't try on some shirt... Some staff was "guarding" the fitting room... Haiz....

OK, its a bit acting cool for me... But i can't stop it, OK? Always wanted to try this, but i can't bcz of the BODYshape i've got...


Last, before going back home, we went to have this cendol...Even though i gave that face, it wasn't really nice... There's nothing inside except for the coarse ice flakes....Haiz, cheated off my 3 ringgit for ice flakes with a lot of concentrated juice...

~The End~

My self introduction

Its funny to say but i happened to forget my self intro. Maybe i'm too worried about my SP work... LOL
Anyways, let's start this...

Name : In case u are blind and can't find my name somewhere, i am called any names. Meaning u can call me by anything that u think it suits me. The one I think most suitable to me is Daniel Tiong. I am going to announce my chinese name. I don't think many people knows this. Its 张明永。Any comments on my chinese name, leave it here so i can know what you are thinking.

Race : Hello, I got my Chinese Name here......

Nationality : Malaysian. That's why in my other blog i keep stressing on foreign students. It is really THAT hard to get into Poly, ok?

Age : I used to tell people I am always 18.

BOD : Affirmatively 22 March 1989. Why affirmatively, I used to question myself whether i am really born on this date or have i remembered the wrong number when i was 5. Then I found out it really is the date.

Blood Type : A. Not too stingy nor generous huh...

Zodiac and horoscope : Snake and Aries the Sheep. Quite contrast ya.... Such different and extreme characteristic in one person. Means i can be very nice or nasty.... Well, this depends on the person i'm facing with...

Fav. Activity : Those who are close to me, you will know... OF COURSE ITS KARAOKing...

Fav. Star : In case u haven't know yet, its Fahrenheit(飞轮海), S.H.E.
Some other which i only like their song : F.I.R., 吴克群, 曹格(I totally hate this guy's face, i dunno why)

Tag :
  • When teaching tuition: Anything, whatever, Just do ur homework, 不要来烦我,oh.
  • In NYP : Can anybody comment on this too... I really got no idea...

My Sayang : Alisa....

My Darling : Thaslima.... Anybody wanna add in this list? ^_^

The thing i like and appreciate most: The birthday card i got from my friends on my Form 5 years. Even though its small, light, super-economic, but it really is meanignful. I really prefer this kind of present instead of buying those big big things than "dunno have to use for wat one". They say “千里鹅毛,礼轻情义重”。I personally like this Chinese Idiom A LOT. I've post the photo of the card in Friendster.

Anyways, for more information, please go to my friendster account :

Actually, quite a lot of you are my friends already. Hahas. There are more information about me and quite a lot of photos about me...

Ending this with a bye bye and a goodbye kiss. Pretend I did that OK, or you really want to have a try of it?^_^ Hahaz